Jobs & Careers

The Future of Work in the UK – Trends to Watch

The Future of Work in the UK - Trends to Watch

The Future of Work in the UK: Trends to Watch is a new publication from LinkedIn that explores the trends that are shaping our future in the workplace. Among the topics covered in the article are remote working, Artificial intelligence, understanding the priorities of employees, and integrating learning and development across the experience of every worker.

Remote working

Remote working is not a new concept, but the number of people doing it in the UK is increasing. Although there are some benefits to this type of work, there are also some drawbacks. Some jobs can’t be performed remotely, such as those that involve specialized machinery.

The ability to work from home has also been proven to improve productivity. However, it’s not for everyone. In fact, studies show that some jobs are best performed from the office.

Remote work could be a good fit for workers who want a more flexible work-life balance. Some companies have been successful in creating flexible working arrangements, while others struggle to adapt to the change.

There’s also a potential mismatch between the policies of different businesses. One company may take a while to adopt remote working, while another has a ‘hub and spoke’ model that’s more likely to evolve.

It’s important to note that there’s still a big gap between the potential of remote work and the actual numbers of people doing it. This is because remote work is not necessarily available to everyone, but rather depends on the skills and experience of individual workers.

AI taking over certain human roles

Artificial intelligence has begun taking over certain human roles in the UK. These jobs are largely repetitive tasks and are considered to be high-risk. The underlying concern is that AI will lead to technological unemployment.

According to the Oxford University and Deloitte studies, 35% of UK jobs are at risk of automation over the next 20 years. However, it is important to note that not all occupations are at risk.

There are also jobs that will be more resistant to AI. These include positions that require judgment and empathy.

Many medical professionals expect the biggest impact to be in the area of diagnosis. Others anticipate the greatest impacts to be in the areas of imaging and data analysis.

While computers have been used to replace some low-skilled manual work, such as assembly line workers, they have not yet taken over the roles of experts. For example, an AI machine cannot think critically through complex scenarios.

Understanding the priorities of employees

If you want to understand the priorities of employees in the UK, you have to take a look at what’s on the minds of younger and older workers. You need to know how to engage these employees to get the most out of them and adapt to a fast-moving business environment.

In addition, you should also know what they expect from their employers. Investing in employee experience can help you retain existing staff and outperform competitors. It’s also important to keep up with changing work environments and technological innovations.

One of the biggest concerns for workers is job insecurity. Employees want to feel secure in their jobs and that their organization will continue to be successful in the future. They expect growth opportunities, flexibility and benefits. And they’re prepared to move to achieve these goals.

Another major concern is pay transparency. Workers are increasingly aware of their status as job seekers and they’re confident that they can secure a good pay rise.


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